Platters of  cold cuts - bellota

Spanish Ham Tasting

Spanish jamón & cured meats

Olive oil

The Spanish liquid gold

Spanish extra virgin olive oil - AOVE

Iberian pigs, raised in freedom in the Dehesa

Iberian cured meats

Sierra of Aracena and Picos de Aroche in Jabugo - Spain

Iberian acorn paleta

100% Iberian cured meats

The Curing Process - open windows to allow the mountain air to circulate around the hams

Spanish charcuterie, olive oil and artisanal preserves

Weight (kilo)
  • 100 g
  • 3 x 100 gr
  • 10 x 100 g
Iberian cured ham in slices from La Finojosa. Leg ham with green label: pigs raised outdoors, fed on forage and cereals. Cured for 20-26 months in the cellar at Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba).



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